
Thursday, February 25, 2010

first blog post

My name is Ashkan Saeedi Mazdeh. I am a programming student in one of Iran's universities. I love game development but i still need to learn many things and have a long road to go. I write my ideas about Unity and community around it.i tried many engines and found unity the best in overall. surely other engines like torque, shiva3d and dx studio all has features that unity don't have but unity is the best for what i imagine to create. currently i work with my closest friend Sina. fortunately or not we are both programmers and we don't have a modeler friend. this prevented us to make great looking games. we previously worked with game maker for creating 2D games. then we tested many engines from dark basic to 3dgamestudio and from torque to unity. we chose unity. we did not have the money to buy the engine. in our country piracy is a common thing but we are not common people and it's more than a year that we don't use pirated software. when the cool guys at unity technologies announced that their indie license is not available anymore i could not sleep for one was the first time that i was happy because something chip is not available anymore! :) i had a feeling like something i had never before. i can not describe it easily by words. i was about 5 kg and my creativity was coming out of my brain wildly. with this amount of love and also logic, I'll talk about all aspects of unity. it's good features and also problems. I'll talk about it's future and possible feature sets. why should you read this? we can talk together about it. also I'll share my experience with unity and problems in development. if you love to team up with us, we would be more than happy. at last i should say my English is terrible. sorry for that.


  1. I also think that Unity3D is an amazing engine..! Good luck with your ideas and games dude..! :)
