
Friday, March 19, 2010

happy new year with a new demo

what? new year?
march 21th is the norouz day and it's the first day of year in Iranian calender.
we would love to create a game for norouz just what others make for western new year and christmas but we did not have the time to do so. so just a small demo that has some information for you and also is beautiful.
to know more about norouz see this
to see my demo go to this page
technically the code for the demo is simple and the code without function and class definitions is less than what i want to write here :) the modeler guys did their job well but i did not have the time to make something good out of it. it's small app that shows you and introduce 7sin to you.
what i learned
even in this small project that took less than an hour to complete i learned important things about unity.
1 remove every component and code that you don't need or use. unity will choose used assets (meshes and textures and materials and ...) for you but it compiles all of your scripts so remove what you don't want if you are publishing for the web. remove all components that you don't need too. i decided to play music on this demo and made the code for it but later it changed and when i removed all the stuff the size decreased 7 k. you might Say "hey it's not much". let's say you have 10,000 visitors and 7000k is about 7MB of your bandwidth and it can be important for you and if you remove 50k from one project you will buy 3 or 4 seconds for low speed connection users and some bandwidth for yourself. so always do this
2 always use mesh compression for web games. it compress your meshes well. my game was 1.56MB and now it's 992K so use that even if it takes time to change all mesh settings. if you have unity pro, you can create editor scripts for this too.
3 always write editor scripts for things that you do more than one time. i wrote a small 3 line script after doing something 5 times and saved myself from doing 30 more times this night and much more in other days.
i'll go to vacation so i'll not be here to answer you but email me any feeedback at
here also i want to thank sobhan and hossein for their great job. i will create something better with their models this summer.
hopefully the next year would be a better one. god willing!

1 comment:

  1. Hi my dear friend am Sobhan

    i wanna thank to you because you done a great

    job !!! if you like i wanna help you in bigger

    Projects and also in your web logs both ENG &

    Persian....! if i can help you i will be very

