
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

SOPA the death of the games community

This is a small part of a post in IQU's blog that you can read here

SOPA: The Death of the Games Community

SOPA. It's an acronym so dirty that to type it causes a collective washing of the Internets mouth. Reaction has been swift and coherent in its singular defiance of proposed Legislation that is global in its reach, idiotic in its understanding of how new media and the internet intersects, and truly naive if it believes we don’t realise it has everything to do with censorship, and will do nothing against the 'rampant piracy' it purports to end.

Read the full post on IQU's blog

Friday, January 6, 2012

Looking back

I was looking back today. I was reading posts on the blog which got visitors from other sources for multiple reasons. unexpectedly a post on NACL feature of unity and the tech's inpact on the future had the most amount of visitors.
But reading the post i saw how small we started and when started writing we diden't own any game development team or ... It was a hubby for us and game development was not a job really. Later on we started MHG and now we are moving. Many of the things said on the blog even on that Native client related post are not correct and there are stuff that are not good to be here when you are working professionally :)
There are two ways to deal with situations like this. the first way is to either delete the stuff or somehow disconnect you company/team from it which we did not choose. The second way is to let them remain for your own record and for others to see your changes in time. everyone is becomming mature and professional in time while working so there is nothing to hide. Surely compared to today we were beginners yesterday and i really hope that  when i look back to years later, This post would look stupid at best.
Game dev started as something that we love for us and now is the job that hopefully would pay our lifes and we try to improve both ourselves and others with. We'll have a blog on our lovely child, MindHammerGames from now on but surely things will be posted here too. Posts like the last post on UnityPark suite and our experiences with it are useful to be there but when i am writing the most fools ideas about trends and future and ... it's better and surely safer to be here :) After all it's much more personal than the blog of the team and gamestudio.